Good Health Starts With The Right Food and Vitamins
Many health problems can be avoided by eating food that is naturally high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is also a good idea to supplement your diet with a multiple vitamin that replenishes your system on a daily basis. There are however, some foods that will definitely promote your health and are necessary to keep your body vibrant and youthful.
1. Many health experts agree on the value of fresh fruits and vegetables as a source of vitamins that will promote your well being. The main reason behind this is the many natural vitamins that this food group contains.
Everyone should include fruits and vegetables in their diet that are high in vitamin C. This is a natural protector against communicable diseases such as colds and other viruses. Oranges and apples have a large amount of this vitamin. If you prefer, you can drink the juice instead of the solid food. One 12 oz. glass of orange juice or the equivalent is recommended every day.
2. One of the best sources for natural water known to mankind is contained in the fruits and vegetables we buy at the grocery store. The natural water in these foods will be digested much better than other liquids and even bottled water itself.
This is a tip that will help your body maintain a proper pH value also. You must remember that your health depends on a good flow of food through the digestive tract. That is a very good reason in itself to keep some natural water bearing fruits and vegetables on hand. It's never too early in life to start this habit for better health.
3. It is preferable to use food and vitamins to prevent certain diseases such as hardening of the arteries and discomforts of the abdominal system. By eating healthy doses of natural food whenever you can, the risks of major problems occurring lessens over time.
The vitamins that will do everyone good on a daily basis are as follows:
a. Vitamin C. One chewable tablet of orange flavored Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, 500mg.) per day is the recommended dose for adults.
b. Vitamin A - This vitamin has been shown to be present in salmon meat as Omega-3. The results of a steady use of this vitamin is a better blood flow. The recommended dose is one 200 I.U. gel tablet (Individual Units) per day.
c. Everyone should switch to a 100% whole wheat bread. Do not buy whole wheat bread that has enriched flour as its main ingredient. 100% whole wheat bread will provide you with Vitamins B-6 and B-12. This will aid your digestion process and provide you with a good amount of fiber in your diet.
4. Another good health tip is to switch to honey instead of sugar as your sweetener of choice. Honey is of course all natural and is absorbed by your digestive system without a complicated breakdown process. The benefit of using honey instead of refined sugar is less stored fat in your body over time. Your system does not have to work as hard to absorb what it needs. You get more of what you need and less of what you do not need when you eat honey. It's a tasty change that most people can live with.
A word of caution to diabetics: Consult with your doctor before using honey because it is still a form of sugar. It is just a form of sugar that is absorbed faster by the body. (Recommended)
The proper use of the right food and proper vitamins will promote your good health and give you more energy. These tips are by no means the end of the story for anyone who wishes to stay healthy. You must keep taking any medicine that is prescribed to you as well as the vitamins outlined here on a continual basis for maximum results.
This is because the levels of these nutrients must stay constant in your bloodstream to remain effective. Your health depends on your vigilance in this matter. Combining the right food with the right vitamins is a choice that will bring you closer to optimum health and a happier life.
Labels: health food vitamins, vitamin benefits, vitamin nutrition supplement, vitamins for energy